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  1. 這次工具組合包共有14樣工具(含工具包本體)使用黑色布質質感,低調帥氣!

  2. 封口採用魔鬼氈設計,包體不會輕易打開,防止工具掉落,並且擁有豐富收納隔層

  3. 跟朋友車聚、比賽時都方便攜帶!


  • 採用六角快拆頭(內徑4mm),能夠快速且牢靠拆裝,一秒切換多種工具頭。人體工學設計,握在手中舒適且握持穩定,作業起來更便利!

  • 快拆PH1十字起子 / 快拆2mm一字起子 / 快拆H1.5六角起子: 這三種螺絲頭,盒車組裝或是改造時都很常會用到喔!

  • 快拆Ø1.8mm鑽頭 / 快拆Ø2.0mm鑽頭: 這兩款鑽頭是四驅車常用的公規尺寸,可以用來貫穿/擴孔/引孔。

  • 快拆磁吸棒: 螺絲是不是常常會掉到各種家中死角撿不到(中英) 這時候就要使用磁吸棒把零件給通通吸出來!而且他還能夠伸縮喔

  • 快拆菊花鑽: 資深改造玩家必備! 螺絲直上時會凸起,可能會增加四驅車撞到跑道的風險。這時候就要使用菊花鑽,讓螺絲能夠沉頭在零件內,還能讓造型更流利!

  • 雙頭套筒(4.2/4.5): 雙邊兩種尺寸,適用在目前迷你四驅車常用的螺帽規格。還有貼心記號線,一眼辨認套筒尺寸。(4.2端是一條線,4.5端是兩條線)

  • 平銼刀 / 半圓銼刀: 用在外殼改造、碳纖維件磨削,高效率且超級耐用!

  • TZ-02精密尖頭鑷子 / TZ-01精密圓頭鑷子: 尖頭鑷子適合在細小零件操作。而圓頭鑷能夠保護零件,很適合拿來貼貼紙。

Features of the Mini 4wd Tool Set

  1. This 14-piece tool set comes with a storage pouch in a subtly elegant black fabric.

  2. Velcro closure does not get opened easily, avoiding tools from falling out.  The pouch has multiple storage compartments.

  3. Convenient to carry around for both casual meetups with friends and competitions!


  • Equipped with quick-release hex adapter (4mm).  Bit change is quick and secure.  Switching between multiple bits in just an instant. Ergonomic design provides comfort and stable grip, making it easy to work with. 

  • Quick-Release PH1 Phillips Driver Bit / Quick-Release 2mm Flathead Driver Bit / Quick-Release H1.5 Hex Driver Bit: These three screwdriver bits are most commonly used for assembling and customizing 4wd.

  • Quick-Release Ø1.8mm Drill Bit / Quick-Release Ø2.0mm Drill Bit: These two drill bits are standard in most 4wd.  Used for drilling or widening holes, and for creating pivot holes.

  • Quick-Release Magnetic Pickup Stick: Do screws always fall into cracks and hard-to-reach corners at home?  This magnetic pickup stick is here to help!  And it is telescopic.

  • Quick-Release Countersunk Drill Bit: A must-have for advanced custom builders!  Screw head may protrude above the chassis surface, increasing the risk of it hitting the race track. Using a countersunk drill bit creates a recessed area for the screw head to sit within, giving the car a more streamlined look. 

  • Dual Socket Wrench (4.2/4.5): Different size on each end which covers the most commonly used sockets in nowadays mini 4wd. Thoughtful markings help identifying socket size at a glance.  (4.2 with one stripe; 4.5 with two stripes.)

  • Flat File / Half-Round File: Used for modifying car body and shaping carbon fiber parts.  These files are both highly efficient and super durable!

  • TZ-02 Precision Point Tip Tweezers / TZ-01 Precision Round Tip Tweezers: Use point tip tweezers when working with small parts. Round tip tweezers prevents parts from getting damage, suitable for applying stickers.


MADWORKS CO., LTD. 麥德威仕國際貿易有限公司
2F-2, No. 905, Nanxing Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406015, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
t: +886 9 1207 1125 | e: | web:

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